How to Prepare For An Eye Exam

Getting your eyes checked by an optometrist each year is important to maintain vision health and update eyeglasses prescriptions. At Wellington Eye Care in Wellington, CO, we want to ensure your eye exam is thorough and efficient. Follow these tips to optimize your visit:

Gather Your Eye Health History

Your optometrist may ask about your eye health background, so have this information ready. It may be a good idea to note any past eye diseases, injuries, or surgeries you’ve had. You may also want to list any medications or supplements you take, as some affect vision. Consider also mentioning family history of eye conditions and bringing a current list of prescriptions to provide accurate details.

List Your Eye Concerns

Note any eye discomfort, blurry vision, strain or other issues you’ve been noticing as you navigate daily life. Be specific about when symptoms occur, like reading fine print or driving at night. The more precise details you provide, the better the optometrist can tailor the exam and recommend treatments to address your concerns.

Allot Sufficient Time

Eye exams can take 45 minutes or longer, especially if you need imaging or more extensive testing. Make sure to give yourself ample free time in your schedule, if possible, so you don’t feel rushed. A hurried exam prevents the optometrist from making careful assessments and answering all your questions. Relax and let us give your eyes the attention they need.

Get an Eye Exam, Eye Doctor Care, and Eye Care Near You from an Optometrist Near You

At Wellington Eye Care in Wellington, CO, we want you to have the best possible eye care experience. Following these tips can help ensure your exam is productive, efficient, and addresses all your vision needs. Call today to schedule your eye health checkup. Call us at (970) 568-7161 for an eye exam, eye doctor care, and eye care near you from an optometrist near you.

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